John Sheehy Solo Exhibition
Prolific Islington-based artist John Sheehy is exhibiting a new solo exhibition of art work, music and poetry, at social enterprise shop...
240 Artworks Exhibition 2016
This years exhibition of artwork by members of 240 Project previews on 16th June at St Peter's Church.
240 Art Exhibition
The annual exhibition of artwork produced by members of 240 Project previews 2nd July and runs until the 5th of July. All work is for...
Smoking film
A film produced by Project members.
John Sheehy Exhibition
Time is running out to ogle John sheehy's new Exhibition at The Outpost on Holloway Road
Spitalfields Market
From Monday 13th to Sunday 19th October 2014 our artists, and others from similar projects, will be exhibiting work - and doing their...
The kind of stuff that might appear here…
We'll be using this blog to keep folk updated about exhibitions, opportunities and events involving or benefitting our artists. Our most...